Prospective 学生

Accommodations play an important role in the educational experience of a large number of students. It is important to explore how accommodations work in higher education and how you can register for services at UNH. SAS can help prospective students and applicants explore the interactive accommodation process and possible services 在校园.

SAS most commonly helps prospective students and applicants explore:  

学习 More about What You Can Do to Prepare to Connect with SAS 

Accommodations During the 招生 Process

Prospective students and applicants who need accommodations during the admissions process should contact 招生 直接. 招生 can help connect the student to the SAS 招生 Liaison to help facilitate any accommodation needs throughout the admissions process. This includes any assistance needed during the application process, 在校园 tours, and other similar processes. 

Contact 招生


We always encourage you to explore the information we have available on our website. However, we also know sometimes you just want to talk with someone. If you have any questions about accommodations or the accommodation process, please don't hesitate to reach out to us 直接. 
