
All emails with students should be conducted through the student and SAS staff member’s official UNH email accounts. This helps to ensure that SAS is communicating directly with the appropriate student. Communications can occur with non-UNH emails if the student is a prospective student but once a student has an official UNH email address, emails should be sent using that address.

Confidential information should not be shared with SAS via email at any point. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Disability documentation
  • Letters from medical/treatment providers
  • IEPs or 504 Plans

If the student needs more information about how to share this information, please contact SAS. We can help navigate how to share the information safely.

Documentation shared via email cannot be accepted under any circumstances. If a student or provider shares documentation via email:

  • The SAS staff member will not open the documentation
  • The email will be deleted
  • The student or provider (the student will be cc’ed on the email if responding to a provider submission) will be notified it was deleted and steps to take for appropriate documentation submission

If a student wishes to submit documentation, they can do so directly through their 适应 account or they can contact SAS for more information. If the 适应 upload link does not work, then SAS can make other arrangements. 学生 can also encourage their provider to complete the Provider Verification Form (this is generally the preferred method).

学习 More about Submitting Documentation