
你可以采取很多不同的方式来为自己辩护. Here we provide some suggestions to help 你 think about some of the key steps in the process: 


之前 自我倡导,你需要反思和研究. This should not only include reflection on the thing 你 want to change and why that change is important in helping 你 meet 你r goals, 但也要研究一下你的具体情况. Each context will be different so 你r self-advocacy plan will likely be different. 之前 making a plan, it is important to think, reflect, and learn as much as 你 can. This will help 你 make more informed decisions during the process. 你要问自己的一些关键问题包括:

  • 您的需求或担忧
    • 你需要什么??
    • 你希望解决的问题是什么?
    • 你希望看到什么样的变化?
    • 这个问题可能出现的一些原因是什么?
  • 上下文
    • 问题或关注发生的时间和地点? 
    • 老师已经分享了什么? 
    • 你已经见过教练了吗? 
    • 教学大纲中已经包含了哪些内容? 
    • 这门课程的基本要求是什么? 
  • 可能的解决方案 
    • 以前类似的问题是如何解决的?
    • 变化是如何发生的??
    • 是否存在潜在的创造性解决方案? 


一旦你进行了反思和研究, 设定具体的目标和制定计划是很重要的. 虽然你可能没有达到每一个目标, it is important to understand the direction 你 hope to go and the outcomes 你 would like to see achieved. 你的计划 可以包括以下任何一项:

设定目标是自我宣传的重要组成部分. This is when 你 get specific about what 你 are looking to achieve. 不知道自己想要什么, it is not possible to create a good plan or advocate effectively. This is not to say that 你 already have to know the exact outcome. Goal setting is more around creating a direction which 你 can then later create more specific objectives for.

  • 你的目标是什么?为什么它们对你很重要?
  • 你面临的主要障碍是什么?
  • 有没有可以解决的短期问题?
  • 是否有需要解决的长期问题?
  • 有哪些不同的方法可以达到这个目标?
  • Is this something 你 want to handle by 你rself, or do 你 want to include other UNH offices?
  • 表达你的问题/关注的最好方式是什么?

目标很重要, but when self-advocating it is also important to think about how 你 might achieve those goals as well. 换句话说,你需要一个好的策略. A good strategy is specific and lays out what 你 can do but is also flexible (plans rarely go exactly as intended).


  • 你的具体目标
    • 你希望完成什么? 
    • 你如何知道你的自我宣传是否成功? 
  • 达到目标所需的步骤 
    • 你需要采取什么步骤? 
    • 其他人可能需要采取什么步骤? 
    • 需要多长时间才能达到目标?
    • What is the best way to communicate the issue (email, talk after class, office hours, etc.)?  
  • 你需要的资源 
    • 你是否需要任何资源来帮助你实现目标?
    • 你有什么需要提前准备的吗? 
    • 谁有可能帮助你?
  • 你将如何评估自己的进步
    • 你怎么知道目标是否实现了? 
    • 你是否需要在一段时间内跟进一些事情?  


  • 你打算如何准备实施这个计划?
  • Do 你 need to or want to script out the conversation ahead of time?
  • 在实施计划之前,你想要扮演这个计划吗? 
  • Is there anyone 你 want to review 你r plan with before putting it in motion?

记住,所有好的策略都是灵活的策略. We cannot predict or plan for everything, so it is important to be flexible and understanding when self-advocate. It is important to be open-minded and understand that 你 may have to compromise in some areas.

  • 还有其他方法可以实现你的目标吗?
  • 对你来说,哪些事情是没有商量余地的?
  • 你在哪些方面可以灵活变通?
  • 还有其他人可以谈论这个问题吗?


Once 你 have a plan in place, it is time to put 你r plan in motion. 记住,任何好的计划都是灵活的. Sometimes the conversation won’t go as expected or 你 need to pivot in terms of what 你 are asking for or about. Just because 你r initial plan might not be working as 你 hoped doesn’t mean 你 can’t meet 你r goals.


当涉及到自我辩护时,分歧是常见的. That is not to say that people don’t want to support 你 or that they don’t think 你r goals are valuable. 而不是, people don’t always see things from 你r perspective and sometimes people can have different goals. Disagreement doesn’t mean that 你 can’t meet 你r goals, or the person does not value 你. 相反,分歧可能源于:

  • 对问题的误解
  • 相互冲突的目标
  • Uncertainty about how the request might be effectively implemented

在自我辩护中,你会遇到不同意见, so it is important to think about what 你 might do when that happens. 


One way to think about about how to navigate conversations where there might be disagreement is the HEAR framework (驾驭细微差别:没有冲突的不同意艺术 | Stanford Graduate School of Business). This framework helps to reframe things to ensure 你r conversation is productive. 它有四个关键部分: 

  • H. ——套期保值 - When there is disagreement it is important to be specific and acknowledge the nuance of the situation. This aspect is about trying to avoid absolutes like "this constantly happens" or "你 never..." and instead framing the disagreement through acknowledgement of the specific situation.  For example, 你 could say "I noticed in this situation" or "during the last time we had class".
  • E. -强调一致- There is almost always more things we agree than disagree about. 强调这一共同点是很重要的. This can help ensure that we are moving forward with common goals. 这并不意味着我们最终会达成一致, 但这将有助于确保对话富有成效. 
  • A. ——承认 - When there is disagreement, it is important to understand both sides of that disagreement. This aspect emphasizes that we need to acknowledge that we have heard and understood the perspective of the person we are communicating with. This requires thinking about multiple perspectives and actively listening. 
  • R. ——重构 保持积极的谈话是很重要的. 记住,这并不意味着你必须同意. 相反,关键在于你如何帮助构建分歧. 例如, saying something like "你 don't care about my accommodations" is very different than "I would like to talk with 你 about how we can ensure my accommodations are implemented effectively in the future". People sometimes shut down or get defensive with negative framing and are more open minded and considerate with positive framing. 


自我宣传不需要单独发生,也不需要在真空中发生. Effective self-advocates also know their resources and connections and utilize these supports throughout the process. 这可能包括以下内容:

  • 和你信任的人聊天(比如以前的老师), 导师, 朋友, 或家庭成员)你的计划. 
  • 和朋友排练你的计划. 
  • 和朋友一起集思广益. 
  • Contacting 学生无障碍服务(SAS) or another relevant UNH office.

The key thing is to think critically about who 你r primary contacts will be and when 你 might need them in the process. 

4 .跟进

Even when 你 can successfully meet 你r goals, it is important to follow-up. 这一后续行动的目的有两个:

  • 确保有一个清晰的前进计划 
  • Continue to develop the relationship with the person 你 are advocating with

While solving the issue may be the more immediate goal, building relationships is equally important. Future issues might come up and 你 might work the person again. Proactively building relationships can help lay the foundations for future conversations and collaboration.